
Empowering game developers to utilise web3 technology.

The concept

As the gaming industry continues to evolve, game developers are looking for new ways to engage players and increase revenue. One way to do this is by integrating web3 technology, which allows players to own, trade, and monetise in-game items as NFTs. However, the process of adding web3 features to a game can be complex and time-consuming, which is where Metakit comes in.

The challenge

The challenge that Metakit aims to solve is the difficulty that game developers face when trying to add web3 features to their games. Integrating web3 technology requires a deep understanding of blockchain and smart contract development, which can be a barrier for many game developers. Additionally, the process of creating and deploying smart contracts, setting up a marketplace, and integrating a wallet can be time-consuming and complex.

The solution

Metakit provides a solution to these challenges by offering a comprehensive SDK that includes everything game developers need to add web3 features to their games. By providing these tools, Metakit makes it easy for game developers to integrate web3 technology and engage players in new ways.

The results

By using Metakit, game developers can quickly and easily add web3 features to their games, which can lead to increased engagement and revenue. Players can own, trade, and monetise in-game items as NFTs, which can lead to a more immersive gaming experience. Additionally, the ability to rent NFTs allows players to try out items before purchasing them and participate in play-to-earn games without own assets. The ready-made smart contracts and tokenomics provide a solid foundation for implementing web3 features in game, giving developers the flexibility to customise the game's economy.

Metakit is a powerful SDK that makes it easy for game developers to add web3 features to their games. The platform includes everything game developers need to integrate web3 technology. By using Metakit, game developers can quickly and easily add web3 features to their games allowing them to easily build games in this exciting new space - and focus on building a great game rather than building blockchain infrastructure. Metakit is currently in beta with the first launch games and will be released fully in 2023.

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